I finished — sort of — my first game on Unreal Engine. The goal was to be more of an introductory game, so it’s not that great. Also, I still need to import meta human faces and bodies instead of the skeletal mesh, but it turns out that on the M1 Mac chip, meta humans in the unreal engine are not supported. So, I will need to wait a bit until I can access a Windows computer to download the necessary software, and then I will probably publish the game.
In terms of the map, I looked on the Unreal marketplace and found this desert temple map. At first, I had no idea what it was, but then I realized that it was literally a map from Overwatch. The photo on the right is from the game, and the photo on the left is a screenshot of the game I made. The maps are the same — which I thought was pretty cool.
The entire experience was not too bad/hard, and the blueprint of an unreal engine helps a lot because it avoids the need to code in C++.
Here is a final demonstration of the current game. I’m running it on a mac, so it’s very laggy.
I’m thinking about making another game, maybe this time something like a racing game that will hopefully turn out better. Once I get a bit better with the software, however, I will return and polish up this game, and then hopefully publish it locally.
I have been tutoring as a side job for about a year now, and I am thinking about expanding it. My friend and I, after a club meeting the other week, were walking back and had the idea to do a start-up tutoring business. I was thinking about bringing on a few of my friends and forming a small tutoring business for the kids in our town. The market for high school tutoring is fairly open, and if we get the pricing and such down, it could turn into a lucrative side hustle.
Some Other Things
The week before break always has this interesting feel to it, especially when it starts to get warm as it is right now. Everyone is excited and looking forward to the week off, but at the same time there are always more tests, which give it a bit of stress. April break has always been my favorite of the breaks, because the weather is nice enough to enjoy Westport. This break I am going to DC for the We the People Nationals, something that should be a really fun trip, not including the actual competition, which I feel quite unprepared for.