This past week, I went to Illinois to visit my grandparents’ farm. We typically go each year, but this was the first year where I brought my camera. Maybe it was being younger, but I never realized how different and beautiful that part of the United States is. Growing up in a suburban part of the world, it’s different to see massive properties and long commutes to things like a grocery store.
Anyway, while there I took some photos in a few regions. They are now all published on my Flickr (linked here). In editing this batch, I started experimenting with more edited types of photos and found some cool templates. For example, one of my new favorites is this black and white template for small bugs/animals that maintains bits of color. I used this editing style for a few of the new photos from the trip, which are shown below:
I then applied the same style to some of my older photos from Puerto Rico, which then also turned out pretty good:
But apart from the black and white, I also experimented with vintage filters for some photos, and different editing techniques that I would normally not even think to try.
Surprisingly, some of my favorite photos – that were not in the black and white format – came from barns. In the area where I was, there were lots of rustic, old barns that I photographed. Some were from the past 100 years; others may be from the past 300. Not all of them were quite as good as I thought in the moment, but I still captured some cool photos from it all:
Staples e-NABLE
A little more than a week ago, I finished a website for a club at school. We print, design, and raise money for 3-D prosthetics for people who need them. It’s a cool club that has a lot of growth and success since the beginning, which has led us to be an official chapter of the global organization. I’m pretty sure that we are actually the only high school chapter in New England – but not entirely sure.
I started making the website a few months ago and had it nearly finished. However, I then got word that a News 12 special episode about the club would be coming out, and therefore had to wait to publish it. Once the News 12 segment did air, I only had to make a few final edits to the website before publishing. I think it turned out well, and I am happy with the final product.
To see the whole website:
Some Random Stuff
I recently passed 100,000 miles on my car. I’ve only had it for a few months, so I only put about 2,000 miles on the car from road trips and other stuff, but it’s still a cool number. I wanted to get a picture of the odometer when it passed the 100,000-mile marker, but I forgot and only got it at 100,015 miles. Here it is below (don’t mind the quality):
This also made me wonder when the odometer would overflow, and either stop counting or flat-out break. I looked online and found that in some older cars, the limit was 300,000, but I didn’t find anything for newer cars (but I didn’t search that far).
I was at the local soccer field the other day, getting some touches, when there was a beautiful sunset. It was a shame that I didn’t bring my camera, but I still took a photo of it with my phone.