Things have been busy these past few months — the start of school and it all.
I’m taking photography again. While I don’t have as much time to take photos outside of school, during my photo class I have had the chance to take some new photos:
I particularly like the photo directly above, which is of a strawberry seed but very zoomed in. The same lens was also used to take the metallic photo, which was uniquely the edge of an old picture frame, the orange leaf, and the green flower stem photo. Apart from that, the changing seasonal colors create some cool color combinations with quality lighting.
Last week, I bought a reMarkable Paper Pro. I previously used essentially a notebook per class, which amounted to a lot of paper and unnecessary weight. It came highly recommended by a friend, and upon a bit of research, I decided it would be better than an iPad.
I’ve still kept my notes segregated via folders, but they are now all in one place to be accessed. I still bring a few notebooks to school, since switching mid-year means that my notes for certain topics are divided, but nonetheless, I’m enjoying my experience with the reMarkable.
The only issue — at the moment — is connecting it to the school Wi-Fi, which has proven exceptionally difficult. The tablet does not offer a browser to accept the certificate and conditions to connect it to Wi-Fi, so my friend and I have been trying to proxy it onto Firefox — but it’s not really working.
However, it works fine without the Wi-Fi, and I don’t really have any immediate or desperate need to get it onto the school Wi-Fi, so I’ve partially moved on.
I’ve been keeping busy with my website work for some businesses and individuals, which has proven to be time challenging with everything else that’s going on. At the same time, my current thought process is that once soccer and college applications are over, I’ll have a lot of time to do more work. So, like a lot of other aspects of my school/life, I’m front-loading it all.
Additionally, I have had a consistent stream of tutoring via Pirant, which has also proven to be a convenient side effort. I’ve shifted my efforts to be more tutoring focused than resources, and it has proven as another constant stream of stuff to do.
Random Stuff
I don’t know who told me junior year was harder than senior year — they were lying.
As I’m writing this post, I realized that Photoshop 2025 was installed on my computer, and that I was using an outdated version.
The best part about writing these blog posts is picking an image for the front cover, since it always ends up looking good on the overall site.