Run and Play

Pirant Tutoring

I just finished the website for the new tutoring business. It took a long time to code everything, but in the end I am happy with the result. That and soccer stuff has pretty much been my life for the past few weeks. Now that it’s over, I am looking forward to starting a new chapter in my summer (I guess I can call it that).

I’m still not entirely sure how I came up with the name pirant, but I didn’t want to call it something awkward like “tutors for ___”. I wanted to get some name that was unique, and I’m guessing that my brain went to Pi for math tutoring, and then filled in the rest.

I noticed there were no affordable tutors anywhere — both in person and virtual. And while tutoring is an expensive business, paying $100+ an hour is pretty crazy to me. So, the first goal of pirant was to offer more affordable tutoring to everyone. Right now, I’m thinking 30$ an hour, but this is one of the variables that may be changed in the future. Additionally, I plan to offer materials/resources for common tutored subjects. Right now, in this beta version of the website, I only have two worksheets for Algebra 1 under the “math” section, but I plan to add a lot more in the next few weeks and throughout the school year.

These will hopefully serve as potential materials for tutoring, or just plain catered practice problems created by our set of tutors. Additionally, for some of these worksheets, I plan to make and publish videos of myself or one of the tutors doing the worksheets. Videos will also hopefully provide another valuable resource for actually solving the problems, since in my personal experience they are always the most helpful — that is to watch someone else do the problems either beforehand, after, or simultaneously.

When we get around to doing so, the videos will be posted on our Youtube channel ( This will also be a learning curve for me, since I’ve never posted nor made Youtube videos.

The direction of the website is also not finalized. I’m still debating whether to perform a rework and use Google Firebase to make a sign in and payment feature directly implemented into the website. Right now, the booking system involves the user selecting a date from a calendar and filling in details like time, location (if any), subject. etc.

From there, we will respond and either confirm or request a time/date change from email. If virtual, a link will be emailed to the email provided in the form. This is a pretty easy system to use that didn’t take much effort to code, which is why it proved a good starting point for the buisness.

I’m also unsure how many tutors to have. I obviously want enough to cover most times of the day and days of the week, but I also want to maintain a high quality of tutors. That being said, we are looking for more tutors to join, so contact me in any way preferred if you are interested.

My favorite part about the design of the website is the purple theme I maintained throughout. That and, of course, the animation in the about us section.

To see the entire website:

Match Attax

I went through my room the other day and found my Match Attax collection from 2017, which would be elementary school. I actually have memories of buying these packs and bringing the best cards into school to show off and compete with my friends. I easily have a few hundred of these cards, and it makes me wonder how much they would all be worth. I would think that at the moment, selling all the cards would average to roughly $1.50 per card. It’s crazy how much some of these cards are worth.

These also cards made me think of my old Pokemon collection, which I mistakenly gave away a while ago. I remember having quite the Pokemon collection, including some of the first generation cards that would likely sell for hundreds of dollars. I did get some homemade dumplings in exchange, so in the end I would say it was worth it.

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